Tanya Donnelly
President & Owner
Tanya is an experienced Executive and Entrepreneur with over 30 years of success leading business process re-engineering, business transformation, and staying up-to-date with technology changes for B2B organizations in various industries such as manufacturing, energy management, technology, energy & chemical, food & beverage, mining & minerals. She has a global reach and is an expert in helping established companies drive growth and expansion through comprehensive process transformation strategies.
Tanya’s extensive experience and constant desire to learn and improve areas such as sales, product development, marketing, supply chain, customer care, HR, and IT, provide highly skilled consultants who can offer comprehensive solutions to organizations seeking to optimize. Additionally, in 2022, Tanya was elected as a State Representative to the NH House of Representatives, showcasing her dedication to making a difference in her community.
Overall, Tanya’s wealth of knowledge, extensive network of experts, and experience make her organization an excellent consulting firm for organizations seeking to transform their business processes, enhance their technology, and drive growth and expansion.
Speaker at the Following
- Marketing Professionals Forum France 2012
- Corporate Social Media Summit 2012
- DreamForce 2012
- Corporate Social Media Summit 2013
- Where Great B2B Minds Meet – Frost & Sullivan 2013
- Social Shake-Up 2013 – Social Media Today
- Marketing Professionals B2B Forum 2013
- DreamForce #df13 2013
- Social Media Strategy – GSMI 2014
- Social Media Summit #smssummit 2014
- Social Media Week Forum #SMWF2014
- Corporate Social Media Summit #CSMNY 2014
- Salesforce Connections 2014 #CNX14
- Intra.NET Reloaded 2015
- Social Tools 2015 #SocialTools15
- We.Conect 2015 #IntrelUS
- Corporate Social Media Summit 2015 #CSMNY
- Sprinklr Boston 2015 #SprinklrCXM
- Social Tools 2016 #socialtools16
- Corporate Social Media Summit 2016 #CSMNY
- Digital Marketing World Forum 2016 #DMWF
- TheMCAA.org 2017
- Social Tools 2017 #SocialTools17
- Webinar Quarterly Series for TheMCAA.org 2018
- Webinar Quarterly Series for TheMCAA.org 2019
- TheMCAA Industrial Forum 2019 #MCAAForum19
- CSIA Annual Conference 2019 #CSIA19